International Institute of Space Law


Artificial Intelligence and the Challenge of States’ Responsibility in Space Law

Keywords Responsibility, Liability, Artificial Intelligence, Outer space, Due care
Authors Hamid Kazemi, Akram Tayyebi en Ali Kazemi
Author's information

Hamid Kazemi
Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran.

Akram Tayyebi
Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran.

Ali Kazemi
K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran.
  • Abstract

      The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in space technologies has reduced human intervention in space technologies in outer space. Although it has benefits, technological and legal issues are emerging in the space industry; e.g., does international space law cover the responsibility of states arising from AI behavior? Releasing data and information by AI has undermined privacy law when it is not rule-governed. State responsibility in international space law has been complicated by data and information obtained through AI. The private sector activities have extended beyond the control of their respective states, which is challenging to attribute actions of private companies that use AI to their respective state. This article suggests that the concept of a common-sense robot instead of due care of reasonable man be adopted to establish responsibility in the performance of AI in national and international space laws.

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