
International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 5, 2013

José Monserrat Filho
Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law (SBDA), Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), jose.monserrat.filho@gmail.com.

Diane Howard
Esq. BSc, JD, LLM, McGill University, Canada; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA, howard19@erau.edu.

Access_open The Sources of International Space Law

Authors Ram S. Jakhu and Steven Freeland
Author's information

Ram S. Jakhu
McGill University, Canada, ram.jakhu@mcgill.ca.

Steven Freeland
University of Western Sydney, Australia, s.freeland@uws.edu.au.

Access_open Space Governance in Japan

Authors Yuichiro Nagai, Hideaki Shiroyama and Motoko Uchitomi
Author's information

Yuichiro Nagai
The University of Tokyo, Japan, nagai.yuichiro.01@gmail.com.

Hideaki Shiroyama
The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Motoko Uchitomi
The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Mukund Rao
National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), India, mukund.k.rao@gmail.com.

K.R. Sridhara Murthi
National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), India krsmurthy09@gmail.com.

V.S. Ramamurthy
National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), India vsramamurthy@nias.iisc.ernet.in.

Nataliia R. Malysheva
Deputy Director, International Space Law Center, Kyiv, Ukraine, nrm52@mail.ru

Olga S. Stelmakh
Senior Legal Adviser, Parliament of Ukraine, Ukraine, os@c-n-l.eu

Frans G. von der Dunk
University of Nebraska, College of Law, Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law Program, Fvonderdunk2@unl.edu.

Jilian Wang
China Great Wall Industry Corporation, China, wangjl@cgwic.com.

P.J. Blount
University of Mississippi School of Law, United States, pjblount@gmail.com.