DOI: 10.5553/IISL/2022065002002

International Institute of Space LawAccess_open


In Search of the Most Appropriate Mechanism for Resolving the Disputes Arising from Large Satellite Constellations

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    The increasing number of satellite constellations poses many significant challenges. Given the continued growth of the amount of space debris and due to the potential harmful interference in orbits, as at least two consequences of the emergence of the large constellations, resolving the international disputes arising from launching satellite constellations is deemed to be one of the main concerns in this regard. This paper aims at answering the main question that considering the shortcomings of international space law dispute resolution mechanisms, how can disputes arising from large satellite constellations, be more appropriately settled. Among the space law treaties, except for Article XIV of the 1972 Liability Convention which foresees the establishment of a Claims Commission, there are no binding dispute settlement provisions. Due to the urgent necessity of dealing with these disputes, international arbitration is to be considered as the most appropriate mean for the dispute settlement of constellations.

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