DOI: 10.5553/IISL/2022065002006

International Institute of Space LawAccess_open


Using Social Media to Promote Space Law Education and Dispute Settlement

Developing Stellar Decisis, the Animated Space Law Moot Court Educational Series

Keywords Space Law, Moot Court, Social Media, YouTube, Dispute Resolution, Education, Animation, IISL
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    In this paper, Christopher Hearsey, Nathan Johnson, and Nivedita Raju explore the future of dispute settlement arising from space activities and space law education through storytelling using a multi-episode educational series called Stellar Decisis. Launched on July 20, 2021, on SCF’s YouTube channel, Stellar Decisis is an animated space law moot court educational series produced by the Space Court Foundation (SCF). Our paper discusses the production and lessons learned from the development of Stellar Decisis and explores space and international law themes through the lens of future dispute settlement using a fictitious court that operates in space. Finally, we outline and announce the administration of a survey for space professionals, scholars, and practitioners relating to participants’ expectations of dispute settlement mechanisms needed to address issues arising from current and future space activities and its importance for space law education and training.

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