DOI: 10.5553/IISL/2023066002003

International Institute of Space LawAccess_open


Some Considerations on How to Improve the UN Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space in the View of Large Constellations

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    The UN Register being a realization of the obligation of the UN Secretary-General to maintain that Register (Art. III of the Registration Convention) under information concerning each space object provided by States (Art. IV of the Registration Convention), helps all States and other actors of space activities to receive information about different space objects and its characteristics. Considering challenges from large and mega-constellations, including probability of space debris creation from their potential collisions, it is assumed that it is necessary to think about additional mechanisms, which the UN OOSA can use as a holder of the Register. On the one hand, it is suggested to encourage States to provide information not only under binding documents, but in accordance with soft law documents (like the GA Resolution 62/101), on the other hand, to provide more actual and comprehensive information to the Register.

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The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation no. 23-28-01434,

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